Tutorials - page 2
Gears A gear is defined as “a toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed of a driving mechanism (such as the engine of a vehicle) and the speed of the driven parts (the wheels).”
Contributor(s): Shobhna MishraLine Follower Bot Explanation about the sensors and the PID algorithm used for making a Line Follower Bot.
Contributor(s): Shobhna Mishra, Tanya Choudhary, Thariq SrinivasRaspberry Pi Raspberry Pi is a cheap credit card sized computer which works on linux OS.This tutorial will help you get started with RPi.
Contributor(s): Arunabh Ghosh, Meet Udeshi, Darshan TankXLR8 XLR8 is the first technical competition of the year. It serves as an introduction to the Tech for the Freshmen in IIT-B. This is your guide for building the XLR8 bot.
Contributor(s): Ritik Madan
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